Customer Support

Trio has a world-wide technical support network providing information to our Distributors, Solution Partners and Customers.
This includes a knowledge-base, user forum and direct online ticketing system where answers will be provided by our engineers in the UK, USA, India and China.

Online support and technical information may be found at:

Trio Support Forum

The Trio technical support portal has separate log-in details to the main Trio Website.
It requires a simple registration process to get started. To directly send support requests to the Trio teams worldwide, please choose the My Area option and click Add Ticket.

Add Ticket

The online system is usually the quickest way to get support but we understand that sometimes a simple phone call is preferred. You can reach our offices on the following numbers.

Location Number
UK (Tewkesbury) +44 (0)1684-292333
USA (Pittsburgh) +1 724 472 4100
India (Pune) +91 827 506 5446
China (Shanghai) +86 21 587 976 59

You may also send an email to the support system by addressing your email to

For information about a machine that has Trio or Estun automation equipment inside, please contact the machine builder in the first place. Trio Motion Technology will be happy to help but our knowledge of a specific machine will be limited.